Want to practice zero waste living but don't know where to start? Try one of these easy zero waste tips for beginners. I've compiled a list of 60 simple ways to lead a conscious,Continue reading
Ready to have a zero waste school year? I haven't been in school since 2016, but I can honestly say I miss the excitement that comes with buying new school supplies. That said, I'd doContinue reading
A lot of people ask me "how did you go zero waste?" The answer is: Research. Tons and tons of research. I read articles, blogs, books, watched videos, documentaries. I was like a sponge, soakingContinue reading
One of the struggles with going zero waste is that you can't exactly pig out on junk food anymore. Most junk food is packaged in single-use plastic (e.g. potato chip bags). Thing is, you don'tContinue reading