Did you know I have an entire ebook on how to reduce food waste available? It's a topic I'm actually very passionate about. Growing up in an Italian American household, I was always encouraged neverContinue reading
Pumpkin waste is seriously scary. In the United States, most of the 900,000 tons of pumpkin produced annually will be trashed, rather than used as food or composted. That's unacceptable. Especially because those pumpkins, whenContinue reading
Americans throw away $165 billion of food each year. That’s equal to around 40% of all food that is produced in the United States! Most wasted food ends up in landfills where the NRDC saysContinue reading
Looking for a good zero waste documentary? We're visual creatures, so it makes sense: Sometimes we just need to watch something in order to grasp it. Documentaries have the ability to not only educate, butContinue reading