As a zero waste blog, I'm really big on finding ways to fight waste in all its forms. So, naturally, when June rolls around that means using up the insane amount of strawberries I endContinue reading
Ever since going zero waste, there's been one thing I truly haven't missed in my kitchen. A sponge. Let me tell you, sponges are gross to me and they always skeeved me out. I hatedContinue reading
Valentine’s day is almost here and I'm sure you've noticed a huge increase in the chocolate that is stocked in your local stores. As yummy as it is (and not so great for my waistContinue reading
Looking to create a paperless kitchen? I don't blame you: The cost of napkins and paper towels truly add up. Plus, think about how much waste you're creating! There's the obvious waste (the actual paperContinue reading